On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 11:37 -0500, Robert Paresi wrote:
> Hello,
> We have 700 user install base using Sybase SQL Anywhere 9.02
> We are looking at migrating these installations over to PostGres
> 1. Very Very Short Answer Please - why should we?
* Lower TCO
* More flexibility
* A growing platform, not a shrinking one
(note: I am not arguing about SQL Anywhere and its capabilities. It is a
fine database)
> 2. Does anyone have a utility or migration application to read SQL Anywhere
> to go to PostGres
I don't know of one.
> 3. Does PostGres handle column descriptions (ie: you can give each column a
> 50 character description) and then access it via SQL Result Set (like I can
> do in Sybase)
You are able to use COMMENT ON, with pretty much every object that you
can create.
> 4. Is there any Date/TimeStamp issues and conversions I need to know about.
> I use simply a DATE field and a TIME field - but do not use DATE/TIME stamp
> fields together.
We have those types:
> 5. What UI/Developer tools (GUI) are available to manage the database as
> well as add/change columns rather than doing it via SQL commands.
You can use psql (text based), pgadmin, navicat, and about 4 dozen
Joshua D. Drake
> Thank you.
> -Robert
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