Re: Disabling triggers with psql (gforge 7.4 to 8.2 migration) - Mailing list pgsql-admin
From | Iñigo Martinez Lasala |
Subject | Re: Disabling triggers with psql (gforge 7.4 to 8.2 migration) |
Date | |
Msg-id | 1265879842.6369.51.camel@coyote Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Re: Disabling triggers with psql (gforge 7.4 to 8.2 migration) (Josh Kupershmidt <>) |
List | pgsql-admin |
Hi Josh.
I have followed your suggestion and restored bad tables into a file. This has shortened the conversion process since I've only restored to file bad chars tables, and only 8 showed this issue. So, instead of having to fix full dump (about 45G) I only had to process 10MB (8 tables). This is what I've done:
- Dump schema, fix it in order to accomodate to postgres 8.2, and import into database via psql.
- Dump data and import into database via pg_restore with triggers disabled.
pg_dump -f gforge-database.dmp -Fc -a -O --disable-triggers -x -E utf-8 -U gforge -h gforge -W
pg_restore -Fc -a -O --disable-triggers -x -U gforge -d gforge gforge-database.dmp 2>import-error.log
- Locate in import-log what tables have problem (8 in my import9.
- Restore bad tables into plain text files:
pg_restore -t artifact ../gforge.dmp > artifact.dmp
pg_restore -t artifact_history ../gforge.dmp > artifact_history.dmp
pg_restore -t artifact_idx ../gforge.dmp > artifact_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t doc_data_idx ../gforge.dmp > doc_data_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t frs_release_idx ../gforge.dmp > frs_release_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t groups_idx ../gforge.dmp > groups_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t project_task_idx ../gforge.dmp > project_task_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t users_idx ../gforge.dmp > users_idx.dmp
- Modify each dump file, changing set client enconding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (it appears that this was my problem, ISO-8859-1 chars in database that had not been properly converted to UTF-8)
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
Alternatively, you could user iconv in order to eliminate bad chars (iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c -f table_exported.dmp > table_exported_fixed.dmp). But truncating bad chars could lead to errors when importing since some registers could become NULL registers and fail on import.
- Import each table DISABLING TRIGERS temporary
(add ALTER TABLE tablename DISABLE TRIGGER ALL; at beginning and ALTER TABLE tablename ENABLE TRIGGER ALL; at the end).
Et voila. Import finished.
Thank you very much to all for your suggestions. They have been very useful for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Kupershmidt <>
To: Iñigo Martinez Lasala <>
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Disabling triggers with psql (gforge 7.4 to 8.2 migration)
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:08:53 -0500
[Resending, forgot to CC list]
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Josh Kupershmidt <> wrote:
I have followed your suggestion and restored bad tables into a file. This has shortened the conversion process since I've only restored to file bad chars tables, and only 8 showed this issue. So, instead of having to fix full dump (about 45G) I only had to process 10MB (8 tables). This is what I've done:
- Dump schema, fix it in order to accomodate to postgres 8.2, and import into database via psql.
- Dump data and import into database via pg_restore with triggers disabled.
pg_dump -f gforge-database.dmp -Fc -a -O --disable-triggers -x -E utf-8 -U gforge -h gforge -W
pg_restore -Fc -a -O --disable-triggers -x -U gforge -d gforge gforge-database.dmp 2>import-error.log
- Locate in import-log what tables have problem (8 in my import9.
- Restore bad tables into plain text files:
pg_restore -t artifact ../gforge.dmp > artifact.dmp
pg_restore -t artifact_history ../gforge.dmp > artifact_history.dmp
pg_restore -t artifact_idx ../gforge.dmp > artifact_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t doc_data_idx ../gforge.dmp > doc_data_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t frs_release_idx ../gforge.dmp > frs_release_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t groups_idx ../gforge.dmp > groups_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t project_task_idx ../gforge.dmp > project_task_idx.dmp
pg_restore -t users_idx ../gforge.dmp > users_idx.dmp
- Modify each dump file, changing set client enconding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (it appears that this was my problem, ISO-8859-1 chars in database that had not been properly converted to UTF-8)
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
Alternatively, you could user iconv in order to eliminate bad chars (iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c -f table_exported.dmp > table_exported_fixed.dmp). But truncating bad chars could lead to errors when importing since some registers could become NULL registers and fail on import.
- Import each table DISABLING TRIGERS temporary
(add ALTER TABLE tablename DISABLE TRIGGER ALL; at beginning and ALTER TABLE tablename ENABLE TRIGGER ALL; at the end).
Et voila. Import finished.
Thank you very much to all for your suggestions. They have been very useful for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Kupershmidt <>
To: Iñigo Martinez Lasala <>
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] Disabling triggers with psql (gforge 7.4 to 8.2 migration)
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 11:08:53 -0500
[Resending, forgot to CC list]
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Josh Kupershmidt <> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Iñigo Martinez Lasala <> wrote:
Two questions.
I could, of course, create a data-only dump (in fact I've already done it). However, when restoring, I cannot use pg_restore since it's in plain format, don't you? pg_restore only works with tar or compressed formats, I think. I could restore data-only dump with psql, but then I've to disable triggers and psql does not have an option in order to disable them.
Here's what I meant by the first routine. Let's dump database "test" and restore into database "restoration".
pg_dump --schema-only -Ujosh --format=c --file=test.schema.pgdump test
pg_restore -Ujosh --dbname=restoration test.schema.pgdump
pg_dump --data-only -Ujosh --format=p --disable-triggers test
# clean up here
psql -Ujosh restoration <
So for the restoration of the actual data, you'd use psql, but the disabling of triggers would be handled for you (you should see ALTER TABLE ... DISABLE TRIGGER ALL; and ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE TRIGGER ALL; or similar in
Second one. You say I could restore a compressed dumpfile into a plaintext file. Is this possible? How? And after cleaning this plaintext file, how do I restore it again into database without using psql since pg_restore only accept tar or compressed file formats?
To turn a pg_dump file which was dumped with, say, --format=c into a plaintext file loadable by SQL:
pg_dump -Ujosh --format=c --file=test.Fc.pgdump test
pg_restore test.Fc.pgdump > test.plaintext.pgdump
# clean up test.plaintext.pgdump here
psql -Ujosh restoration < test.plaintext.pgdump
This was the second option I mentioned. You would then have to use psql to restore this plaintext file. You might be able to jump through some hoops and turn the plaintext dump back into a pg_restore compressed dump, but I don't see any point in this -- the plaintext dump here should have the CREATE TRIGGER statements after the table creation and population steps, which is likely exactly what you want.
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