On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 14:56 +0100, Greg Stark wrote:
> SIGURG might be useful but it would be more complex to use and less
> widely useful since it would only work if the client disconnects
> gracefully (though it might be worth checking into as an alternative
> to our existing query cancel method).
Might it not also fire if the client disconnects without notice, but tcp
keepalives are enabled?
I might have to write a little test program and see.
[much later] My test program did not appear to receive SIGURB, even
after registering for it with fcntl(sockfd, F_SETOWN, ...) and setting a
signal handler for it. This was the case whether the connection was
dropped due to a tcp keepalive failure, the dropping of a network
interface, or a normal disconnect. The next read() or recv() returned
zero bytes read but no asynchronous notification appeared to occur. I'm
under the impression it's really for use with asynchronous sockets, but
haven't tested this yet.
What does work well is occasionally poking the socket with recv(...,
MSG_DONTWAIT) while doing other work. Program attached. TCP keepalives
seem to work very well at least on my Linux test system, and it's easy
to test for a dud connection using recv(...) with the MSG_DONTWAIT and
(if desired) MSG_PEEK flags. If the connection has exited cleanly it'll
return a zero-size read; if the connection has dropped due to keepalive
failure it'll return ETIMEDOUT.
Pg's backend code already supports keepalives. I guess what'd be helpful
would be a periodic recv(..., MSG_DONTWAIT) on the client<->server
socket while the backend is working hard on a query. A SIGLARM would be
handy for that, though I guess Pg isn't used to having to test for EINTR
on syscalls...
Craig Ringer