Re: Hot standby, recovery infra - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Simon Riggs
Subject Re: Hot standby, recovery infra
Msg-id 1233395847.4500.27.camel@ebony.2ndQuadrant
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Hot standby, recovery infra  (Heikki Linnakangas <>)
Responses Re: Hot standby, recovery infra
List pgsql-hackers
On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 16:55 +0200, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Ok, here's an attempt to make shutdown work gracefully.
> Startup process now signals postmaster three times during startup: first 
> when it has done all the initialization, and starts redo. At that point. 
> postmaster launches bgwriter, which starts to perform restartpoints when 
> it deems appropriate. The 2nd time signals when we've reached consistent 
> recovery state. As the patch stands, that's not significant, but it will 
> be with all the rest of the hot standby stuff. The 3rd signal is sent 
> when startup process has finished recovery. Postmaster used to wait for 
> the startup process to exit, and check the return code to determine 
> that, but now that we support shutdown, startup process also returns 
> with 0 exit code when it has been requested to terminate.

Yeh, seems much cleaner.

Slightly bizarre though cos now we're pretty much back to my originally
proposed design. C'est la vie.

I like this way because it means we might in the future get Startup
process to perform post-recovery actions also.

> The startup process now catches SIGTERM, and calls proc_exit() at the 
> next WAL record. That's what will happen in a fast shutdown. Unexpected 
> death of the startup process is treated the same as a backend/auxiliary 
> process crash.

Good. Like your re-arrangement of StartupProcessMain also.

Your call to PMSIGNAL_RECOVERY_COMPLETED needs to be if
(IsUnderPostmaster), or at least a comment to explain why not or perhaps
an Assert.

Think you need to just throw away this chunk

@@ -5253,7 +5386,7 @@ StartupXLOG(void)        * Complain if we did not roll forward far enough to render the
backup        * dump consistent.        */
-       if (XLByteLT(EndOfLog, ControlFile->minRecoveryPoint))
+       if (InRecovery && !reachedSafeStartPoint)       {               if (reachedStopPoint)   /* stopped because of
request */                       ereport(FATAL,

-- Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.comPostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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From: Simon Riggs
Subject: Re: Hot standby, recovery infra
From: KaiGai Kohei
Subject: Re: How to get SE-PostgreSQL acceptable