[PATCH] Space reservation v02 - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Zdenek Kotala
Subject [PATCH] Space reservation v02
Msg-id 1233058008.1733.5.camel@localhost
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: [PATCH] Space reservation v02
Re: [PATCH] Space reservation v02
List pgsql-hackers
I attached second version of space reservation patch. You can see first
version here:

I thought about Heikki'es comments and I removed all catalog changes,
because there are not necessary to be in pg_class. Instead of
pg_preugrade script should create own schema (pg_upgrade) and tables on
its needs.

This patch implement settings like relation options. Tom had objection
about this approach. I can rewrite it and extend pg_class instead.
However before I will do it I would like to know opinion about rest of
the patch.

And last thing is most important. Space reservation MUST TO be implemented if we
want to have 8.4->8.5 upgrade. Else we will be at the begging...



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