Re: Review: B-Tree emulation for GIN - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Jeff Davis
Subject Re: Review: B-Tree emulation for GIN
Msg-id 1232428459.23316.0.camel@jdavis
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Review: B-Tree emulation for GIN  (Teodor Sigaev <>)
List pgsql-hackers
On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 21:41 +0300, Teodor Sigaev wrote:
> > gin_numeric_cmp() can be called from regular SQL. I missed this before,
> > but that function will segfault if you call gin_numeric_cmp(NULL, 1) (in
> > v0.7 at least).
> Fixed, gin_numeric_cmp is marked as strict.
> > And how does GIN handle SQL NULL values in the column? Does it index
> > them at all, or just ignore them?
> SQL NULL: GIN doesn't support it (amindexnulls/amsearchnulls == false)
> C NULL: NULL-numeric could be returned only by gin_extract_query_numeric which 
> cannot be called by user directly because of internal type of argument.
> GIN doesn't do anything with values returned by gin_extract_query_numeric except 
> providing they as an argument for comparing functions.

Ok, looks good. I updated the wiki to show this as the latest version of
the patch.

Thanks,Jeff Davis

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