Re: Warning about the 8.4 release - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Zdenek Kotala
Subject Re: Warning about the 8.4 release
Msg-id 1231326539.1347.16.camel@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Warning about the 8.4 release  ("Robert Haas" <>)
Responses Re: Warning about the 8.4 release
List pgsql-hackers
Robert Haas píše v út 06. 01. 2009 v 12:38 -0500:

> - WIP: Page space reservation (pgupgrade) is an idea that was
> rejected, IIRC. pg_upgrade project status is more of the same thing.
> there are several more pg_upgrade related items on here as well, most
> of which are probably unnecessary.

space reservation is not rejected idea. It is necessary for online page
conversion. There were some general comments, without any conclusion.

There is list of invalid/rejected/outdate items

29 Prototype: In-place upgrade v02
111 WIP: Page space reservation (pgupgrade)
112 pg_upgrade project status
133 pg_upgrade: How to deal with toast -> postponed to next release
143 In-place upgrade

Valid items are:

174 Space reservation (pgupgrade)
181: WIP: pre-upgrade page reservation

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