On Mon, 2008-02-04 at 12:18 +0000, Gregory Stark wrote:
> "Joshua D. Drake" <jd@commandprompt.com> writes:
> > Guys, with respect this thread does nothing for us unless it is on the
> > certification list.
> Do we really need a separate mailing list for every thread? It's already kind
> of crazy with dozens of lists, many of them moribund, which most people aren't
> even aware exist.
> I was going to suggest pruning the mailing lists down to just 3-4 already. The
> last thing we need to be doing is creating new ones.
At least for me it's far easier to ignore threads I'm not interested in
than subscribe to yet another list. This particular subject
(certification) would be interesting for me as a potential end user, so
I'm not really qualified for any comment on the organization side of it,
but ultimately interested in the end result. I suspect many of the
postgres general list subscribers are in the same situation, so why not
let them know about how it evolves ?