> > Caution to the point of fantasy is a waste of resources. Caution to
> > further a political agenda (not you - but the people whose opinions you
> > are repeating) is exploitation.
> I don't believe Debian has any kind of political agenda in this regard.
> Debian's agenda is to follow the licenses as best it can. While that
> may go beyond what others feel like doing it's a good goal to have.
Actually everything about Debian (the project) is a political agenda.
That doesn't mean that it is invalid though.
That being said, this topic is WAY OFF-TOPIC for the discussion. The
discussion is:
Will we accept GNU TLS.
Currently there has not been one technical argument that is valid to
have us include GNU TLS.
Now is their a legal argument? Maybe, but until an *attorney* states
that there is an issue this is all m00t.
Speaking of which I am going to bounce of to SPI and see if we can get
an actual answer to this.
Joshua D. Drake
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