On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 16:28 -0500, Kevin Murphy wrote:
> Mark Lewis wrote:
> > Set the prepareThreshold to 0, meaning that it will never create a
> > "real" server-side prepared statement.
> Hmm, even by default (without specifying prepareThreshold), it seems
> that the planner looks at the parameter values for the first execution
> of the query. (See my post a couple minutes ago*). Am I mistaken?
> If I'm not mistaken, then for one-shot queries, is there any any
> additional advantage to setting prepareThreshold to 0?
With the current driver version, there is no advantage if you only use
the PreparedStatement once.
> BTW, is the default value of prepareThreshold is 1?
The default value in the driver version I've got handy (forget exactly
which version this is) is 5. I don't think that's changed recently.
-- Mark Lewis