> > > Just like bash.
> >
> > What we have is just like bash --- at least the parts of it that I use.
> This reminds me of the old csh function where you could recall things by
> numbers and do search/replace on them. The capability was so hard to
> use I could imagine anyone _normal_ using it.
Except that this has nothing to do with that. This is *standard* feature
set for the unix shell:
794 scp admin@compile.commandprompt.com:pgdump* . 795 scp admin@compile.commandprompt.com:*bench* . 796 joe
pgbench.results 797 ps a-x 798 ps -ax 799 bin/psql -U jd -p5500 bench 800 bin/psql -U jd -p5501 bench 801
bin/pg_ctl-D slave0 stop 802 bin/pg_ctl -D slave1 stop 803 joe bin/starttest.sh 804 history 805 joe
bin/starttest.sh806 history
Oh... that's right, its call starttest.sh:
Except for PostgreSQL it would be:
postgres=# \s
1 SELECT * from cmd_pg_stat_all_tables ;
2 SELECT count(*) from cmd_pg_stat_all_tables ;
3 SELECT count(*) from cmd_pg_stat_database;
postgres=# !1
Otherwise I either have to copy and paste what is 1 or I have to do a
ctrl-r. So now i have done a \s to see what queries are in the buffer
and then I am doing a ctrl-r to get the info out of the buffer. That's
silly. When if there was a number associated, I could just execute
whatever I need.
I am regularly in 100 different catalogs a week, I can't always remember
what is going on from one to the other. I use \s all the time to help
with this. Eliminating the need for a mouse or to cycle through ctrl-r
would make this alot easier.
Don't get me wrong, ctrl-r is great, but it is not an end all :)
Joshua D. Drake
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