On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 18:42 +0100, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
> Hi,
> Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> > PostgreSQL doesn't ship a integrated replication solution, BECAUSE not
> > any one replication solution can fit the need.
> Yes, that's what I'm saying.
> Please do not mix cause and effect: no replication solution got into
> core because none fit all the needs. It's not that we have a policy
> stating that we don't want any replication solution in core. What could
> possibly be the reasons for such a policy?
Because there will never be a solution that can fit the need?
Slony and replicator are only similar in that they both are asynchronous
master-slave solutions, other than that, we are vastly different and
serve very different needs.
PgCluster would be a good choice for specific workloads but is a bad
choice for many workloads.
uni/cluster is fine if you want a web app and no database logic.
The list goes on, and on.
Joshua D. Drake
> Regards
> Markus
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