Dear Volkan,
thank you for your answer...
I have tried to verify the table
information_schema.constraint_column_usage, but, and I was really
surprised, I have found nothing inside it..
it seems there are not checks!!!
I have also seen the manual page you suggested but I can't understand
why I don't have checks in this table...
but I'm sure I have checks in my table.. because they works!!!!!
does this problem can be related to the fact that I have created the
checks only after that I have created the table...
I have used this syntacs:
alter table tablename add check (......)
however it sounds strange!!!!!
On lun, 2006-11-13 at 19:41 +0200, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> On Nov 13 05:32, ivan marchesini wrote:
> > I have created a check constraint without giving it a name..
> > now I have a check named "$25" in my table that I need to drop or
> > modify!!!
> > How can I do???
> > with names is simple
> >
> > alter table tablename drop constraint constraintname;
> >
> > but without name?? :-)
> CREATE TABLE cons_test (
> u integer CHECK (u > 10)
> );
> SELECT constraint_name
> FROM information_schema.constraint_column_usage
> WHERE table_name = 'cons_test' AND
> column_name = 'u';
> See infoschema-constraint-column-usage.html in the manual for further
> assistance.
> Regards.
Ivan Marchesini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93/a
Perugia (Italy)
tel: +39(0)755853760
fax: +39(0)755853756