Ühel kenal päeval, E, 2006-07-10 kell 12:36, kirjutas Tom Lane:
> 3. What should the minimum fillfactor be? The patch as submitted
> set the minimum to 50% for all relation types. I'm inclined to
> think we should allow much lower fillfactors, maybe down to 10%.
> A really low fillfactor could be a good idea in a heavily updated
> table --- at least, I don't think we have any evidence to prove
> that it's not sane to want a fillfactor below 50%.
Sure 50% is way too big as an lower limit. We may even want to have
pages that have only 1 tuple in heavy update cases.
So perhaps we should set the minimum to 1% or even 0.1% and apply
similar logic you suggested for btree pages above, that is stop adding
new ones when the threasold is reached.
> Comments?
Hannu Krosing
Database Architect
Skype Technologies OÜ
Akadeemia tee 21 F, Tallinn, 12618, Estonia
Skype me: callto:hkrosing
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