Hi - I have the following code:
//show table of current events needing action
$sSql = "SELECT id FROM crm_leads ";
$sLeads = pg_exec($conn,$sSql);
$sSql = "SELECT * FROM crm_events WHERE crm_leads_id = ".pg_result($sLeads,$e,"id")." AND follow_up_action!='' ORDER BY follow_up_date asc limit 1";
$sRes = pg_exec($conn,$sSql);
$sHits = pg_numrows($sRes);
// generate the display here
crm_leads is a parent with many crm_events as it's children.
This code gives me the correct set of rows.
My problem is that I want only the last row from crm_events (as per limit 1) but I want those rows sorted by follow_up_date. I guess I need to have the whole query in one select statement? But how?
Any help appreciated
Andy Dunlop
 www.infocus.co.za +27 21 532 0335 office +27 82 770 8749 mobile |