Re: Get explain output of postgresql in Tables - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Hannu Krosing
Subject Re: Get explain output of postgresql in Tables
Msg-id 1144856607.3884.4.camel@localhost.localdomain
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Get explain output of postgresql in Tables  ("Jim C. Nasby" <>)
List pgsql-hackers
Ühel kenal päeval, K, 2006-04-12 kell 10:29, kirjutas Jim C. Nasby:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 04:53:20PM +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> > <NestedLoop cost="1.06..40.43" rows="5" width="244">
> >    <JoinFilter publicTenk1Unique2="int4_tbl.f1">
> >       <HashAggregate cost="1.06..1.11" rows="5" width="4"/>
> >    </JoinFilter>
> > </NestedLoop>
> Well, the downside is that such a format means explain output is now
> twice as long. 

You can place end tags differently

<NestedLoop cost="1.06..40.43" rows="5" width="244">   <JoinFilter left="publicTenk1Unique2" right="int4_tbl.f1">
<HashAggregatecost="1.06..1.11" rows="5" width="4"/></JoinFilter></NestedLoop>

> But I'd love to see something like that as an option. 

Me too

> I'd also still like to see an SQL-parseable version as well, since I think
> there's applications for that.
> As for those who can't manage to post EXPLAIN ANALYZE to the list; as
> long as ANALYZE isn't the default I don't see how making a less
> human-readable version the default will solve anything, because we'll
> still perpetually be asking people for the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE. If
> we want to increase the number of people who provide useful information
> in initial performance questions, the answer is to make the information
> about what to submit more prominent.

We could also default to printing a NOTICE at the end of EXPLAIN, which
tells users thus: "If you plan to post this output to pgsql-hackers
list, you better post result of EXPLAIN ANALYSE" :P


pgsql-hackers by date:

From: "Jim C. Nasby"
Subject: Re: Get explain output of postgresql in Tables
From: Martijn van Oosterhout
Subject: Practical impediment to supporting multiple SSL libraries