On fös, 2006-03-03 at 09:50 +0100, Joost Kraaijeveld wrote:
> Hi,
> Why do I get the following result from the query below? I expected that,
> given the fact that there are over 100 "Jansen" (but no "jansen") in
> "Nijmegen" the first record would definitively be people living in
> "Nijmegen". If I change the order to the order that is commented out,
> the query goes OK.
> addresses.zipcode,
> addresses.city,
> addresses.housenumber,
> addresses.housenumberdetails,
> customers.lastname
> FROM prototype.customers JOIN prototype.addresses ON
> customers.contactaddress = addresses.objectid
> TRIM(UPPER(customers.lastname)) >= TRIM(UPPER('Jansen'))
> TRIM(UPPER(addresses.city)) >= TRIM(UPPER('NIJMEGEN'))
> ORDER BY customers.lastname, addresses.city, addresses.zipcode
> --ORDER BY addresses.city, customers.lastname, addresses.zipcode
> limit 5
> Result:
> "3089TN";"ROTTERDAM";"5";"";"jansen"
> "5712XG";"SOMEREN";"13";"";"jansen"
> "6511PS";"NIJMEGEN";"23";"";"Jansen"
> "6523RE";"NIJMEGEN";"13";"";"Jansen"
> "6524NP";"NIJMEGEN";"37";"A";"Jansen"
What LOCALE are you using?
Looks like it either sorts lowercase before uppercase
or treats them as equivalent.
Why do you not provide us with a simple test case?
Why involve a join and irrelevant columns?
What does a simple test like this do for you?:
test=# create table t (c text, n text);
test=# insert into t values ('ROTTERDAM','jansen');
INSERT 33566780 1
test=# insert into t values ('SOMEREN','jansen');
INSERT 33566781 1
test=# insert into t values ('NIJMEGEN','Jansen');
INSERT 33566782 1
test=# insert into t values ('NIJMEGEN','Jansen');
INSERT 33566783 1
test=# insert into t values ('NIJMEGEN','Jansen');
INSERT 33566784 1
test=# select * from t ORDER BY n,c; c | n
-----------+--------NIJMEGEN | JansenNIJMEGEN | JansenNIJMEGEN | JansenROTTERDAM | jansenSOMEREN | jansen
(5 rows)
(this in in C locale)