On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 17:10 +0100, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> | It works like this:
> |
> | ORDER BY (CASE WHEN 5=5 THEN "from"::varchar ELSE
> | receiving_time::varchar) DESC.
> |
> | Is there a way to have DESC/ASC inside of a CASE?
> |
> | Mario
> No, you don't understand, you should do something like :
> case when foo = bar then from else receiving_time desc end
Can't do so, because receiving_time is timestamptz, and "from" is
varchar. There:
pulitzer2=# select id, "from", receiving_time from messages order by
case when 2=3 then "from" else receiving_time end desc limit 5;
ERROR: CASE types timestamp with time zone and character varying cannot
be matched
I need to explicitly cast receiving_time into varchar.
What I would like to include ASC/DESC into CASE, but I guess that's not