In my quest to create a function that counts rows for all user tables in
the database, I've written the following:
drop function generate_table_count ();
create or replace function generate_table_count () returns setof record
as '
tname record;
count record;
table text;
for tname in select table_name from information_schema.tables
where table_schema = ''public'' loop
for count in execute ''select '''''' ||
quote_ident(tname.table_name) ||
'''''' as name, count(*) from '' ||
quote_ident(tname.table_name) loop
table :=;
return next;
end loop;
end loop;
' language plpgsql;
Problem is, I can't figure out what parameters to pass to "return next;"
to make this return properly, and can't find an example in the
documentation. I have it working by defining the function to return
"setof text" and then do return next as:
return next table || '' '' || count.count;
However, I really want each result (table name and count) to have it's
own column.
Can someone help me out or point me in the direction of documentation
that will show an example? It shouldn't be this hard, it seems.
Thanks, as always, for your help,