I'm trying to test a feature I see in the 8.1devel documentation. I
figured I'd checkout a cvs working copy. Following the doc I:
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@anoncvs.postgresql.org:/projects/cvsroot login
but that just hangs and eventually times out. I looked at CVSup, but I
found no binaries for CVSup at ftp.postgresql.org, and building CVSup
seems to be a bit of a pain on Linux. I pulled a tarball from the
"stable_snapshot" area of the ftp site, but that was just 8.0.3.
What am I doing wrong?
My main interest at this point is OUT parameters in PL/pgSQL. I read
about this in the 8.1devel doc, so I thought I'd be able to test this
feature in the "latest" source, wherever that is.