I am trying to setup rules on a view that will maintain an audit trail
of modifications in the real table. Things seem to be going ok but when
I EXPLAIN my queries, the literal 'now' is being given two different
values, one 2 days earlier. I am running 7.4.7
The view is defined to be;
CREATE VIEW domain_registry AS
FROM domain_registry_history
WHERE tstamp > 'now';
The current record always having a tstamp of 'infinity'
admin=# explain update domain_registry set status='N' where
Nested Loop (cost=0.00..21.58 rows=4 width=304)
-> Index Scan using domain_registry_history_pkey on
domain_registry_history (cost=0.00..7.18 rows=2 width=304)
Index Cond: (('xxxxxx.co.nz'::text = ("domain")::text) AND
(tstamp > '2005-04-01 14:39:49.529816'::timestamp without time zone))
-> Index Scan using domain_registry_history_pkey on
domain_registry_history (cost=0.00..7.18 rows=2 width=146)
Index Cond: ((("domain")::text = 'xxxxxx.co.nz'::text) AND
(tstamp > '2005-03-29 15:26:50.361408'::timestamp without time zone))
Index Scan using domain_registry_history_pkey on
domain_registry_history (cost=0.00..7.18 rows=2 width=293)
Index Cond: ((("domain")::text = 'xxxxxx.co.nz'::text) AND (tstamp >
'2005-03-29 15:26:50.361408'::timestamp without time zone))
(8 rows)
Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 5301
Ph/Fax: +64 6 357 8168, Mob: +64 27 5 424 015, Web: www.godzone.net.nz
"A Ministry specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet
Services to NZ Christian Churches, Ministries and Organisations"