On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 14:59 +0300, ON.KG wrote:
> I'm trying in 'plperl' forking the processes by 'fork' function,
> but receiving this message
> Warning: pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: creation of function failed: 'fork' trapped by operation mask at (eval 2)
> Does it mean, that in 'plperl' I can't use 'fork' function???
there are 2 variants of the language: plperl and plperlu
plperlu is 'untrusted', that is, it is allowed to do dangerous stuff,
but plperl is more limited and can be used by a user without privileges.
OTOH, i doubt that fork is allowed even in plperlu, as i
imagine it could have weird effects on the backend.