PostGreSQL 7.4.5 (RedHat 8)
We have images stored in the database, that our application allows the user to export (using lo_export), update, and then reimport. How do I get around the permissions issue?
The user connects to the database as, say, 'user1' - this is fine. The lo_export (server command) exports as postgres::users with permissions of 644. User1, cannot then edit the image, as they do not have permission.
Is there a way of changing postgres's (lo_export's?) default umask? I have tried changing it in /etc/profile (targetted at postgres LOGNAME) - in the .bash_profile for postgres, and also in pg_ctl (for the start up) - but I can't appear to change it. So presumably, there's another way of doing this?
PS I've also tried setting the target directory as g+s - that's ok to the point that the file is then created with the group of the directory - but obviously still not correct permissions to edit the file.
Steve Tucknott
ReTSol Ltd
DDI: 01903 828769