On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 10:59 -0700, Robby Russell wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 20:02 +0200, nd02tsk@student.hig.se wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I am going to do a comparison betweem PgSQL and MySQL replication system.
> >
> > I hear there are some replication projects available for PgSQL. Which are
> > still active and serious, because I hear that some are not active or
> > incomplete?
> >
> Slony-I is the most active *community* project currently.
forgot the url
> > Will any of these projects be merged with PgSQL soon?
> >
It's something you would install along with pgsql. Not likely to ever be
bundled together.
* Robby Russell | Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON | www.planetargon.com
* Portland, OR | robby@planetargon.com
* 503.351.4730 | blog.planetargon.com
* PHP/PostgreSQL Hosting & Development