problem using DBI to COPY FROM STDIN on a Mac - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces
From | Scott Cain |
Subject | problem using DBI to COPY FROM STDIN on a Mac |
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Msg-id | 1094826603.1504.119.camel@localhost.localdomain Whole thread Raw |
List | pgsql-interfaces |
Hello, I've written a perl script that uses DBD::Pg func calls to do COPY FROM STDIN. It does several copies as a single transaction. While this works fine on my Linux box with Posgresql 7.4.2, it seems to hang while finishing up the last copy or closing the transaction on my Mac (also 7.4.2). By 'hang', I mean that the postgres process runs on indefinitely consuming 90% of the cpu. The setups are similar; I've done similar tuning to both databases (though, admittedly, I don't know as much about doing this for a Mac). Generally, Postgresql is a little slower on the Mac, but I haven't had any real problems with it. Any ideas? The script is copied below, and the part that does the copy and commit is at the bottom. Thanks much, Scott #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use DBI; use Chado::LoadDBI; use Bio::Tools::GFF; use Getopt::Long; # parents come before features # no dbxref_id allowed # no residues allowed # reference sequences already in db! =head1 NAME - Bulk loads gff3 files into a chado database. =head1 SYNOPSIS % =head1 COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS --gfffile The file containing GFF3 (optional, can read from stdin)--organism The organism for the data--dbname Database name--dbuser Database user name--dbpass Database password--dbhost Database host--dbport Database port Note that all of the arguments that begin 'db' can be provided by default by Bio::GMOD::Config, which was installed when 'make install' was run. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 NOTES =over =item The ORGANISM table This script assumes that the organism table is populated with information about your organism. If you are unsure if that is the case, you can execute this command from the psql command-line: select * from organism; If you do not see your organism listed, execute this command to insert it: insert into organism (abbreviation, genus, species, common_name) values ('H.sapiens', 'Homo','sapiens','Human'); substituting in the appropriate values for your organism. =item GFF3 The GFF in the datafile must be version 3 due to its tighter control of the specification and use of controlled vocabulary. Accordingly, the names of feature types must be exactly those in the Sequence Ontology, not the synonyms and not the accession numbers (SO accession numbers may be supported in future versions of this script). There are several caveates about the GFF3 that will work with this bulk loader: =over =item Reference sequences This loader requires that the reference sequence features be already loaded into the database (for instance, by using Future versions of this bulk loader will not have this restriction. =item Parents/children order Parents must come before children in the GFF file. =item Several GFF tags (both reserved and custom) not supported These include: =over =item Dbxref =item Target =item Gap =item Any custom (ie, lowercase-first) tag =back =item No sequences This loader does not load DNA sequences, though chromosome sequences can be loaded with gmod_load_gff3 when the reference sequence features are loaded. =back =back =head1 AUTHORS Allen Day E<lt>allenday@ucla.eduE<gt>, Scott Cain E<lt>cain@cshl.orgE<gt> Copyright (c) 2004 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut my ($ORGANISM, $GFFFILE, $DBNAME, $DBUSER, $DBPASS, $DBHOST, $DBPORT); if (eval {require Bio::GMOD::Config; Bio::GMOD::Config->import(); require Bio::GMOD::DB::Config; Bio::GMOD::DB::Config->import(); 1; } ) { my $gmod_conf = $ENV{'GMOD_ROOT'} ? Bio::GMOD::Config->new($ENV{'GMOD_ROOT'}): Bio::GMOD::Config->new(); my $db_conf = Bio::GMOD::DB::Config->new($gmod_conf,'default'); $DBNAME = $db_conf->name(); $DBUSER = $db_conf->user(); $DBPASS =$db_conf->password(); $DBHOST = $db_conf->host(); $DBPORT = $db_conf->port(); $ORGANISM=$db_conf->organism(); } GetOptions( 'organism:s' => \$ORGANISM, 'gfffile:s' => \$GFFFILE, 'dbname:s' => \$DBNAME, 'dbuser:s' => \$DBUSER, 'dbpass:s' => \$DBPASS, 'dbhost:s' => \$DBHOST, 'dbport:s' => \$DBPORT, ) or ( system( 'pod2text', $0 ), exit -1 );; $ORGANISM ||='human'; $GFFFILE ||='stdin'; #nobody better name their file 'stdin' $DBNAME ||='chado'; $DBPASS ||=''; $DBHOST ||='localhost'; $DBPORT ||='5432'; my %src = (); my %type = (); my $pub; # for holding null pub object my %synonym; my $gff_source_db; my %gff_source; my $source_success = 1; #indicates that GFF_source is in db table my @tables = ( "feature", "featureloc", "feature_relationship", "featureprop", "feature_cvterm", "synonym", "feature_synonym", "feature_dbxref" ); my %files = ( feature => "feature.tmp", featureloc => "featureloc.tmp", feature_relationship =>"featurerel.tmp", featureprop => "featureprop.tmp", feature_cvterm => "featurecvterm.tmp", synonym => "synonym.tmp", feature_synonym => "featuresynonym.tmp", feature_dbxref => "featuredbxref.tmp", ); my %sequences = ( feature => "feature_feature_id_seq", featureloc => "featureloc_featureloc_id_seq", feature_relationship => "feature_relationship_feature_relationship_id_seq", featureprop => "featureprop_featureprop_id_seq", feature_cvterm => "feature_cvterm_feature_cvterm_id_seq", synonym => "synonym_synonym_id_seq", feature_synonym => "feature_synonym_feature_synonym_id_seq", feature_dbxref => "feature_dbxref_feature_dbxref_id_seq", ); my %copystring = ( feature => "(feature_id,organism_id,name,uniquename,type_id)", featureloc =>"(featureloc_id,feature_id,srcfeature_id,fmin,fmax,strand,phase)", feature_relationship => "(feature_relationship_id,subject_id,object_id,type_id)", featureprop => "(featureprop_id,feature_id,type_id,value,rank)", feature_cvterm => "(feature_cvterm_id,feature_id,cvterm_id,pub_id)", synonym => "(synonym_id,name,type_id,synonym_sgml)", feature_synonym => "(feature_synonym_id,synonym_id,feature_id,pub_id)", feature_dbxref => "(feature_dbxref_id,feature_id,dbxref_id)", ); ######################## my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$DBNAME;port=$DBPORT;host=$DBHOST", $DBUSER,$DBPASS, {AutoCommit=> 0}); my $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{feature}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeature) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{featureloc}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeatureloc) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{feature_relationship}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeaturerel) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{featureprop}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeatureprop) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{feature_cvterm}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeaturecvterm) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{synonym}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextsynonym) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{feature_synonym}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeaturesynonym) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select nextval('$sequences{feature_dbxref}')"); $sth->execute; my($nextfeaturedbxref) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth = $db->prepare("select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'part_of'"); $sth->execute; my($part_of) = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $sth->finish; ######################## my($organism) = Chado::Organism->search( common_name => "$ORGANISM" ); $organism or die "organism not found in the database"; open F , ">$files{feature}"; open FLOC, ">$files{featureloc}"; open FREL, ">$files{feature_relationship}"; open FPROP, ">$files{featureprop}"; open FCV, ">$files{feature_cvterm}"; open SYN, ">$files{synonym}"; open FS, ">$files{feature_synonym}"; open FDBX, ">$files{feature_dbxref}"; my $gffio = Bio::Tools::GFF->new(-fh => \*STDIN, -gff_version => 3); while(my $feature = $gffio->next_feature()){ my $type = $type{$feature->primary_tag}; if(!$type){ ($type) = Chado::Cvterm->search(name => $feature->primary_tag ); $type{$feature->primary_tag} = $type->id; } die "no cvterm for ".$feature->primary_tagunless $type; my $src = $src{$feature->seq_id}; if(!$src){ if($feature->seq_id eq '.'){ $src = '\N'; } else { ($src) = Chado::Feature->search( uniquename => $feature->seq_id ) || Chado::Feature->search( name => $feature->seq_id); if ($src->isa('Class::DBI::Iterator')) { my @sources; while (my $tmp = $src->next) { push @sources, $tmp; } die "more that one source for ".$feature->seq_id if (@sources>1); $src{$feature->seq_id}= $sources[0]->id; } else { $src{$feature->seq_id} = $src->id; } $src = $src{$feature->seq_id}; } } die "no feature for ".$feature->seq_id unless $src; if($feature->has_tag('Parent')){ my $pname = undef; my($pname)= $feature->get_tag_values('Parent'); my $parent = $src{$pname}; if(!$parent){ ($parent) = Chado::Feature->search(uniquename => $pname ) || Chado::Feature->search( name => $pname ); $src{$pname} = $parent->id; } die "no parent ".$pname unless $parent; print FREL join("\t", ($nextfeaturerel,$nextfeature,$parent,$part_of)),"\n"; $nextfeaturerel++;} my($name)= $feature->has_tag('Name') ? $feature->get_tag_values('Name') : '\N'; my($uniquename) = $feature->has_tag('ID')? $feature->get_tag_values('ID') : $nextfeature; #my $uniquename = $nextfeature; $src{$uniquename}= $nextfeature; print F join("\t", ($nextfeature, $organism->id, $name, $uniquename, $type)),"\n"; #need to convert from base to interbase coords my $start = $feature->start eq '.' ? '\N' : ($feature->start - 1); my $end = $feature->end eq '.' ? '\N' : $feature->end; my $frame = $feature->frame eq '.' ? '\N' : $feature->frame; print FLOC join("\t", ($nextfeatureloc,$nextfeature, $src, $start, $end, $feature->strand, $frame)),"\n"; if ($feature->has_tag('Note') or $feature->has_tag('note')){ my @notes; push @notes, $feature->get_tag_values('Note') if $feature->has_tag('Note'); push @notes, $feature->get_tag_values('note') if $feature->has_tag('note'); my $rank = 0; foreach my $note (@notes) { ($type{'Note'})= Chado::Cvterm->search( name => 'Note') unless $type{'Note'}; print FPROP join("\t",($nextfeatureprop,$nextfeature,$type{'Note'}->id,$note,$rank)),"\n"; $rank++; $nextfeatureprop++; } } my $source = $feature->source_tag; if ( $source_success&& $source && $source ne '.') { unless ($gff_source_db) { ($gff_source_db) = Chado::Db->search({ name=> 'GFF_source' }); } if ($gff_source_db) { unless ($gff_source{$source}) { $gff_source{$source} = Chado::Dbxref->find_or_create({ db_id => $gff_source_db->id, accession => $source, } ); $gff_source{$source}->dbi_commit; } my $dbxref_id = $gff_source{$source}->id; print FDBX join("\t",($nextfeaturedbxref,$nextfeature,$dbxref_id)),"\n"; $nextfeaturedbxref++; } else { $source_success = 0;#geting GFF_source failed, so don't try anymore } } if ($feature->has_tag('Ontology_term')) { my @cvterms = $feature->get_tag_values('Ontology_term'); my %count; my @ucvterms = grep {++$count{$_} < 2} @cvterms; foreach my $term(@ucvterms) { unless ($type{$term}) { my ($dbxref) = Chado::Dbxref->search( accession => $term ); warn"couldn't find $term in dbxref\n" and next unless $dbxref; ($type{$term}) = Chado::Cvterm->search( dbxref_id =>$dbxref->id ); warn "couldn't find $term's cvterm_id in cvterm table\n" and next unless $type{$term}; } unless ($pub) { ($pub) = Chado::Pub->search( miniref => 'null' ); $pub = $pub->id; #no need to keep wholeobject when all we want is the id } print FCV join("\t",($nextfeaturecvterm,$nextfeature,$type{$term}->id,$pub)),"\n";; $nextfeaturecvterm++; } } my @aliases; if ($feature->has_tag('Alias')) { @aliases = $feature->get_tag_values('Alias'); } if ($name ne '\N'){ push @aliases, $name; } #need to unique-ify the list my %count; my @ualiases = grep {++$count{$_} < 2} @aliases; foreach my $alias (@ualiases) { unless($synonym{$alias}) { unless ($type{'synonym'}) { ($type{'synonym'}) = Chado::Cvterm->search( name => 'synonym'); warn "unable to find synonym type in cvterm table" and next unless $type{'synonym'}; } print SYN join("\t",($nextsynonym,$alias,$type{'synonym'}->id,$alias)),"\n"; unless ($pub) { ($pub) = Chado::Pub->search( miniref => 'null' ); $pub = $pub->id; #no need to keep whole object when all we want is the id } print FS join("\t", ($nextfeaturesynonym,$nextsynonym,$nextfeature,$pub)),"\n"; # warn "alias:$alias,name:$name\n"; $nextfeaturesynonym++; $synonym{$alias} = $nextsynonym; $nextsynonym++; } else { print FS join("\t", ($nextfeaturesynonym,$synonym{$alias},$nextfeature,$pub)),"\n"; # warn "in seenit, alias:$alias, name:$name\n"; $nextfeaturesynonym++; } } $nextfeature++; $nextfeatureloc++; } my %nextvalue = ( "feature" => $nextfeature, "featureloc" => $nextfeatureloc, "feature_relationship"=> $nextfeaturerel, "featureprop" => $nextfeatureprop, "feature_cvterm" => $nextfeaturecvterm, "synonym" => $nextsynonym, "feature_synonym" => $nextfeaturesynonym, "feature_dbxref" => $nextfeaturedbxref, ); print F "\\.\n\n"; print FLOC "\\.\n\n"; print FREL "\\.\n\n"; print FPROP "\\.\n\n"; print FCV "\\.\n\n"; print SYN "\\.\n\n"; print FS "\\.\n\n"; print FDBX "\\.\n\n"; close F; close FLOC; close FREL; close FPROP; close FCV; close SYN; close FS; close FDBX; foreach my $table (@tables) { copy_from_stdin($db,$table, $copystring{$table}, $files{$table}, $sequences{$table}, $nextvalue{$table}); } $db->commit; $db->{AutoCommit}=1; warn "Optimizing database (this may take a while) ...\n"; print STDERR " ("; foreach (@tables) { print STDERR "$_ "; $db->do("VACUUM ANALYZE $_"); } print STDERR ") Done.\n"; $db->disconnect; warn "Deleting temporary files\n"; foreach (@tables) { unlink $files{$_}; } warn "\nWhile this script has made an effort to optimize the database, you\n" ."should probably also run VACUUM FULL ANALYZEon the database as well\n"; exit(0); sub copy_from_stdin { my $dbh = shift; my $table = shift; my $fields = shift; my $file = shift; my $sequence= shift; my $nextval = shift; warn "Loading data into $table table ...\n"; my $query = "COPY $table $fields FROM STDIN;"; my $sth =$dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); open FILE, $file; while (<FILE>) { $dbh->func($_, 'putline'); } $dbh->func('endcopy'); # no docs onthis func--got from google close FILE; $sth->finish; #update the sequence so that later inserts will work $dbh->do("SELECT setval('public.$sequence',$nextval) FROM $table"); } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scott Cain, Ph. D. GMOD Coordinator ( 216-392-3087 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
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