Can you please post in plain text?
I'd suggest looking at the postgresql logs to see what is really going
There are no "special" contexts.
On Mon, 2004-08-30 at 13:01, Noah Davis wrote:
> Hi,
> Forgive me if this isn't directly a JDBC issue.
> I have some triggers setup in postgres that are triggered before
> inserts. They are pretty basic triggers. They update some columns and
> then continue on with the insert.
> We have some java code which starts a transaction (sets auto commit to
> false) and then performs some inserts. If successful, it commits the
> transaction. Sometimes, it appears like the trigger is fired but does
> not commit. Is there a separate connection context for triggers? Do I
> have to worry about how triggers work within a transaction? If I
> commit/rollback an insert, does it commit/rollback the triggers which
> were fired?
> It seems like when I do the steps directly in postgres, the triggers
> are fired appropriately if in a transaction. However, within Java, in
> some cases the triggers either aren't fired, or are fired, but do not
> commit when jdbc commits. Any ideas what's going on here?
> Thanks for any help,
> Noah
> ______________________________________________
> Noah Davis
> 636 Broadway, Suite 516
> New York, New York 10012
> p: 212.505.5885
> f: 212.505.5655
Dave Cramer
519 939 0336
ICQ # 14675561