On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 05:22, David Teran wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe anyone already knows that Apple is distributing Postgres 7.3.3
> with RemoteDesktop 2. Its located in
> /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/rmdb.bundle/
> BUT... they did not do a good job: -their- installation is using the
> default port which means: either -their- version works or the one that
> the server owner maybe installed on the same server. In our case
> neither our Postgres nor the one from RemoteDesktop 2 did start up
> because of file conflicts.
> If anyone from the Postgres (or from whereever) team is in contact with
> apple about RemoteDesktop and Postgres it would be great it they could
> ask apple to change their port, its unbelievable that they did not care
> about this problem.
Why can't the user and the OS use the same server? I mean what's the
reason not to, not the problems one might encounter that could be
overcome? It would seem that by having one single server on a machine
memory would be more effectively utilized and performance for both
should be ok.