I like the partnerships theme. But I think it is also important to
convey the message that while PostgreSQL is a heavy lifting database,
it's also great for the 'little guy' running a small low volume web
site. There is a perception that using pgsql for a web site is like
swatting flies with a telephone pole, or "driving thumb tacks with a
sledge hammer" (as the PHP book I'm currently reading actually states in
black and white) and that web sites don't need pgsql's 'esoteric'
As a new user of pgsql, I know now, that pgsql's additional features are
quite useful even for small projects.
MySQL does a great job of recruiting mindshare through out the entire
spectrum of users and PostgreSQL should too. Not that I think that
this should be the major theme, but a mention of "great for small jobs,
too", additional convenience features, scaleable from the smallest to
largest projects, etc. would help get the small fish like me interested,
and that represents a lot of people (read: mindshare).
Just my thoughts.