On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 18:53, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>However, I also believe that Mammoth Replicator would deserve equal
>>mention, especially since Mammoth Replicator is more mature and they
>>really are different products that serve a similar but not identical
> So even though Slony is free and open source and Mammoth Replicator is
> proprietary, you think we should give them equal mention?
Yes. It is based on best tool for the job, not OSS versus non OSS.
> By that logic, if Powergres was based on 8.0 code, we would mention that
> along with the Win32 port mention? That doesn't make sense to me.
Yep. See above.
> (Powergres is threaded so it would have some distinction compared to our
> community Win32 implementation.) ]
Yes, and if it was based on 8.0 code -- I would probably promote it over
our implementation because it is threaded and in theory would perform
better than our implementation. Obviously I would test and confirm.
> Again, you make no distinction between propriety and free software, even
> though our community is about free software, and not proprietary
> software. That seem like a disconnect to me.
Who says the community is all about free software? I don't know any
GPLites in the community (o.k. I know a few, but they are the minority).
I thought BSD was all about the best tool for the job?
Regardless, I don't see where the GPL or BSD should make a difference when it comes to advertising commercial products in an open source press press release. That's the responsibility of the commercial entity, not the community.
How would go about providing what is the best tool for the job? You yourself said the Mammoth Replicator and Slony-I served different purposes, so whose job is which one best for?
* Robby Russell | Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON | www.planetargon.com
* Portland, OR | robby@planetargon.com
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