There are but it depends if you are running under Solaris, Linux etc.
Most of the below can be checked with applications included with your
On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 06:23, Werner vd Merwe wrote:
> Good day all!
> I posted this question in NOVICE some time ago, but have not really
> had any replies.
> We are running a PG7.4 database, being accessed through jsp’s called
> through Tomcat. The problem is, that sometimes the database comes to a
> complete standstill, sometimes because of deadlocks, but I would
> venture to say that most times it is because it runs out of resources.
> The current hardware config is as follows:
> Dual Xeon 2.4GHz CPU’s
> 3 GB RAM
> 3 X WD 73 GB drives in RAID-5
> My question is, are there any software or apps out there that can
> monitor CPU, memory and shared buffer usage etc so I can have a
> pro-active way of monitoring when we need to upgrade hardware, or just
> tweak the software. I am aware that running complex queries will take
> a large chunk of CPU time, but it would be good for me to have the
> normal running load of PG.
> Hope the question makes sense.
> Best regards and thank you in advance.
> Werner vd Merwe