On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 12:49, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> OK, good, marked as done.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gavin Sherry wrote:
> > * Have psql show more information about sequences
> >
> > template1=# \d foo_seq
> > Sequence "public.foo_seq"
> > Column | Type
> > ---------------+---------
> > sequence_name | name
> > last_value | bigint
> > increment_by | bigint
> > max_value | bigint
> > min_value | bigint
> > cache_value | bigint
> > log_cnt | bigint
> > is_cycled | boolean
> > is_called | boolean
> >
> > That item seems to be done or have I missed something?
That is not changed since 7.4.
Surely the TODO item means that we should be able to see the values of
all those columns in the sequence. in 7.4, we just get:
bray=# \ds List of relationsSchema | Name | Type | Owner
--------+------------------------+----------+-------prod | address_id_seq | sequence | olly
so you can't tell where the sequence is, without doing:
bray=# select * from address_id_seq;sequence_name | last_value | increment_by | max_value |
min_value | cache_value | log_cnt | is_cycled | is_called
| 8490 | 1 | 9223372036854775807
| 1 | 1 | 0 | f | t
Oliver Elphick