The driver uses cursors now if you do two things
1) request must be made inside a transaction ( cursors for large result
sets should be anyway)
2) call setFetchSize()
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 18:49, David Wall wrote:
> Does anybody have some sample code that shows how to declare a simple cursor
> and fetch it 100 rows at a time, for example? I'm curious how to formulate
> this. It sounds like I need to keep the same Connection object, which is
> good info to have. How do I issue the DECLARE CURSOR and FETCH (using
> PreparedStatement.execute() with the FETCH being an executeQuery() so that I
> get a result set back)?
> >From what I gather, the SQL itself looks something like:
> DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT x,y,z FROM abc_table WHERE x>4;
> FETCH 100 FROM my_cursor;
> CLOSE cursor;
> What do I call when I'm doing the DECLARE CURSOR, versus the FETCH versus
> the CLOSE commands?
> Does anybody know if this sort of code would then work in Oracle 8i if I
> used a modified set of Oracle commands, i.e. something like:
> DECLARE CURSOR my_cursor FOR SELECT x,y,z FROM abc_table WHERE x>4;
> END;
> FOR 100 FETCH my_cursor; ??? No "host variables" with JDBC so I'm not sure
> I can do this since the syntax implies an "INTO" clause for using host
> variables.
> Thanks,
> David
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