On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 22:39, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > The tricky part seems to be dealing with i10n issues since the text to
> > translate would be release specific it needs to go into the backend --
> > but that isn't so nice.
> Why tricky? I'm just going to make the 7.5 psql utility work against
> previous versions of postgresql. Any strings in that utility are
> translatable like any other.
I suppose if all you want is backward compatibility which makes sense
for pg_dump, but surely psql should be forward thinking.
Normally it's old clients with new server, not the other way around --
at least with big companies it seems easier to get a server upgraded
than everyones desktop.
Forward looking means pulling the available commands, queries, etc from
the backend. It actually works quite well (submitted a patch quite a
while ago) in all respects except string translation.