Table spaces (was Re: State of Beta 2) - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Ron Johnson
Subject Table spaces (was Re: State of Beta 2)
Msg-id 1063612643.11739.1181.camel@haggis
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: State of Beta 2  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: Table spaces (was Re: State of Beta 2)
List pgsql-general
On Sun, 2003-09-14 at 23:08, Tom Lane wrote:
> Network Administrator <> writes:
> > ...  However it seems to me that right now that this might not be
> > possible while the backend is changing between major releases.
> > Perhaps once that doesn't fluxate as much it might be feasible to
> > create these layer so that it is not too fat.
> Yeah, that's been in the back of my mind also.  Once we have tablespaces
> and a couple of the other basic features we're still missing, it might
> be a more reasonable proposition to freeze the on-disk representation.

I think that every effort should be made so that the on-disk struct-
ure (ODS) doesn't have to change when tablespaces is implemented.
I.e., oid-based files live side-by-side with tablespaces.

At a minimum, it should be "ok, you don't *have* to do a dump/restore
to migrate to v7.7, but if you want the tablespaces that are brand
new in v7.7, you must dump data, and recreate the schema with table-
spaces before restoring".

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA

"(Women are) like compilers. They take simple statements and
make them into big productions."
Pitr Dubovitch

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