Re: drop/add fk in transaction - Mailing list pgsql-novice

From Nabil Sayegh
Subject Re: drop/add fk in transaction
Msg-id 1060856517.10271.3.camel@billy
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: drop/add fk in transaction  (Stephan Szabo <>)
List pgsql-novice
Am Don, 2003-08-14 um 04.23 schrieb Stephan Szabo:

> > The action should take only 2 seconds or so.
> Do you have data in the tables?  Because if you're planning
> to use ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT to add the new version
> constraints it's going to check that the constraint is
> satisified (and that can be not so fast).

I already tried that with some less important databases and it took
about 2 seconds.
The DBs aren't that big and the machine is quite fast :)

> > I think it would be ok for that case to lock everything :) while this
> > transaction is running.
> >
> > Do you have a commandline by hand ?
> I'd look at contrib/adddepend which I think does some portion
> of this and will probably give you some ideas.

I'll try that.

 e-Trolley Sayegh & John, Nabil Sayegh
 Tel.: 0700 etrolley /// 0700 38765539
 Fax.: +49 69 8299381-8
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pgsql-novice by date:

From: "P.Harikrishnan"
Subject: Re: pqgetresultset problem
From: Stephan Szabo
Subject: Re: pqgetresultset problem