ODBC query problem - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Luis Magaña
Subject ODBC query problem
Msg-id 1058373160.9218.18.camel@kerberus.santarita.intranet
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: ODBC query problem
List pgsql-general

yesterday I ran vaccumdb on one of our postgresql databases.  As of
today, whenever I try to connect to the postmaster from Windows using
the latest ODBC driver the postmaster crashes and restarts itself again,
here the log output:

2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  connection authorized: user=sentinell
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: select version()
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  duration: 0.007115 sec
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: set DateStyle to 'ISO'
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  duration: 0.001107 sec
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: set geqo to 'OFF'
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  duration: 0.000814 sec
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: select oid from pg_type where
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  duration: 0.018918 sec
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: select pg_client_encoding()
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  duration: 0.002753 sec
2003-07-16 11:26:48 [1629]   LOG:  query: select relname, nspname,
relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace where relkind
in ('r', 'v') and nspname like 'public' and relname like
'diario_factura_embarque' and relname !~ '^pg_|^dd_' and
pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order by nspname, relname
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1623]   LOG:  server process (pid 1629) was
terminated by signal 11
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1623]   LOG:  terminating any other active server
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1623]   LOG:  all server processes terminated;
reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  database system was interrupted at
2003-07-16 11:26:27 CDT
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/501001E0
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  redo record is at 0/501001E0; undo
record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  next transaction id: 1973685; next
oid: 1644084
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  database system was not properly shut
down; automatic recovery in progress
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  ReadRecord: record with zero length
at 0/50100220
2003-07-16 11:26:49 [1630]   LOG:  redo is not required
2003-07-16 11:26:51 [1630]   LOG:  database system is ready

as I can see the long query crashes the post master for some unknown
reason.  I've tried this on 7.3.2 and 7.3.3 with the same results.

There is a lot of space in the hard disks so I assume that is not the
problem. Also is to note that I can connect with no problems from PHP,
psql and some other programs running on linux. But, If I run that query
from psql the postmaster also crashes.

Best Regards.

Luis Magaña.
Gnovus Networks & Software.

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