Moving to pgsql-hackers@
On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 12:03, sumit wrote:
> Thanks for letting know. Could you also let me know the exact
> syntax, I mean, we are not sure whether GROUP BY CUBE(...) is followed by
> a HAVING clause. Kindly inform us soon so that we can make the changes and
> send you the updated patch and files.
Sources of the SQL Spec
The relevent syntax appears to be in section 7.9, and is a part of the
GROUP BY clause, so is potentially followed by a HAVING clause.
7.9 <group by clause>
Specify a grouped table derived by the application of the
<group by clause> to the result of the previously specified clause.
<group by clause> ::= GROUP BY <grouping specification>
<grouping specification> ::= <grouping column reference> | <rollup list>
|<cube list> | <grouping sets list> | <grand total> | <concatenated grouping>
<rollup list> ::= ROLLUP <left paren> <grouping column reference list>
<right paren>
<cube list> ::= CUBE <left paren> <grouping column reference list> <right
<grouping sets list> ::= GROUPING SETS <left paren> <grouping set list> <right
<grouping set list> ::= <grouping set> [ { <comma> <grouping set> }... ]
<concatenated grouping> ::= <grouping set> <comma> <grouping set list>
<grouping set> ::= <ordinary grouping set> | <rollup list> | <cube list>
| <grand total>
<ordinary grouping set> ::= <grouping column reference> | <left paren> <grouping
columnreference list> <right
<grand total> ::= <left paren> <right paren>
<grouping column reference list> ::= <grouping column reference> [ { <comma> <grouping
columnreference> }... ]
Rod Taylor <>
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