> You don't mention what flavor of Postgresql this is. The latest version
> would probably help a bit. Also, things like FK constraints can cause
> slow load times. But 87 megs in an hour and a half is REALLY slow. for
> comparison, I can dump our 1 gig (post dump) database from one Dual PIII
> to another dual PIII in 10 minutes. i.e.:
> 'pg_dump -h otherbox dbname| psql dbname'
> But that's running 7.3.x. It took about 30 to 40 minutes on 7.2 but my
> memory of that time period is fading fast.
I'm using 7.3.x. The tables don't have any trigger.
I guess the only problem was the -D option that I used. I tried again
without that, and it only took a couple of minutes. I'm surprised
though, how much difference that makes.
thanks for all the help
- reynard