On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 09:14, Delao, Darryl W wrote:
> I have been monitoring netstat -c on my db server for a few days now.
> I am trying to determine if when I see a postgres connection, if that
> is indeed just 1 connection or if it is a bunch of connections tied up
> in 1. The other day I had postgres set to a limit of 128 connections,
> and that was reached. But at no time while monitoring netstat -c did
> I see 128 connections! At this point, im assuming that netstat-c does
> not provide an accurate count of current connections. Anyone have any
> thoughts on this?
Is there a reason why you're trying to use netstat rather than the
pg_stat_activity system view?
Neil Conway <neilc@samurai.com> || PGP Key ID: DB3C29FC