The XADataSource is not supported by the driver because postgres doesn't
support two phase commits.
On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 23:02, Chris Malan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm doing a ejb tutorial that works with a server called Blazix.
> I now have to configure a datasource. Blazix wants the driver to implement
> javax.transaction.xa.XAResource
> >From searching the archives it seems that what is in pgjdbc2.jar does not. Is
> that correct? I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2.1.
> Now I'm supposed to write a wrapper class that implements a certain interfce
> that looks like this:
> public interface JdbcResourceFactory
> {
> javax.sql.XADataSource getXADataSource(
> String jndi,
> Hashtable props )
> throws SQLException;
> javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource getConnectionPoolDataSource(
> String jndi,
> Hashtable props )
> throws SQLException;
> javax.sql.DataSource getDataSource(
> String jndi,
> Hashtable props )
> throws SQLException;
> String getDriverManagerClass( String jndi, Hashtable props )
> throws SQLException;
> String getUrl( String jndi, Hashtable props ) throws SQLException;
> }
> I'm left open-mouthed in the starting blocks.
> Is there anybody out there with an idea what to do?
> Thanks very much.
Dave Cramer <>