On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 10:10, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On 28 Nov 2002 at 15:35, Mats Lofkvist wrote:
> > The need for vacuum makes Postgres work less well straight
> > out of the box, if you don't know about it your performance
> > will slowly go down the drain. (I don't remember how the
> > vacuum improvements in 7.3 change this, will a 7.3
> > installation work reasonably well without vacuum being run
> > at all e.g. in a scenario with lots of updates? (**))
> In other words, 7.3 has good performance as it is. So if you vacuum, you will
> see a really blazing performance..
Or more accurately, in 7.3 the performance of indexscans should degrade
less if there are a lot of expired tuples in the table (thanks to Tom
Lane's work). It won't effect seqscans, though.