Re: getting column names for tables.. - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Brett Schwarz
Subject Re: getting column names for tables..
Msg-id 1031619971.1692.35.camel@thor
Whole thread Raw
In response to getting column names for tables..  (jerome <>)
List pgsql-general
set conn [pg_connect -conninfo "..."]
set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT * FROM some_table"]
set attList [pg_result $res -attributes]

pg_result $res -clear

Note that your select statement will determine *which* columns are
returned. The above is good if you want the actual tuples returned as
well. But if all you want are the attributes, then you could add a
"LIMIT 1" to the end of the SQL, or you could use this sql, and retrieve
the tuples (which will be the columns):

  SELECT A.attname
    FROM Pg_class C, Pg_attribute A
   WHERE C.oid = A.attrelid

I *think* that's it...I am doing it from memory. You may have to tweak
it...and I think 7.3 will be different if I recall...



On Tue, 2002-09-10 at 06:27, jerome wrote:
> im using pgtclsh is there a possibility to get column names for tables?
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Brett Schwarz
brett_schwarz AT

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