This isn't the right forum, but anyways...
you have two options here.
tomcat has database authentication built in, or you can do it manually.
You will want set up a table, not use the postgres users table, this is
a BAD idea.
On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 16:35, sdeel wrote:
> Hi all, I am pretty new to several technologies here. So I am not sure
> where to go with my question. I am implementing a web based application
> with servlets, JSP, and JDBC. Here is the plan:
> 1. System will have a user, 'admin,' who can use the web-application's
> JSPs, servlets, and JDBC to add and remove members, who are application
> users with data maintained on the system.
> 2. members, through the web app, enter data that is theirs, other members,
> execpt maybe admin aren't to change their data.
> 3. the web app will also offer the general public access (display only) to
> membership data by categories. i.e. accross all members, if the member
> provided data for the requested category, include the data in the response.
> Now here is the question, should I set up a member/password table and manage
> the member access through my database or can I/should I use postgres user
> accounts somehow? This sounds like a pretty typical need. Is there some
> reading I need to do? Where?
> Sam Deel
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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