Well, 'kill -INT pid' doesn't seem to have worked. This is 7.2.1. We
really don't want to whack the system but we need to get back online...
Any other ideas?
On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 09:47, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Robert M. Meyer" <rmeyer@installs.com> writes:
> > IN my infinite wisdom, in an effort to resolve my performance problems,
> > I started a full vacuum of my database last night around 4:00AM. It's
> > still running at 9;20AM and it has all of the tables locked.
> Huh? Vacuum should only lock one table at a time.
> > Is it safe to cancel the query from inside pgmonitor?
> Yes, a SIGINT should be safe enough. You'll lose the benefit of whatever
> vacuuming work has been done so far on the current table.
> regards, tom lane
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Robert M. Meyer
Sr. Network Administrator
DigiVision Satellite Services
14 Lafayette Sq, Ste 410
Buffalo, NY 14203-1904