I need to get rid of all rows that have dups in the columns
tpa,pun,grn,claim ... i.e.
1--- 001 001 001 00-000001 John Doe
2--- 001 001 001 00-000001 Jane Doe
3--- 001 002 001 00-000001 John Doe
1 and 2 would be dups, 1 and 3 are diff records, 2 and 3 are diff
I tried this as a test:
select count(claimid), tpa, pun, grn, claim FROM claim_import GROUP BY
tpa, pun, grn, claim HAVING count(claimid) > 1;
26 rows returned.
select distinct on (tpa,pun,grn,claim) count(claimid), tpa, pun, grn,
claim FROM claim_import GROUP BY tpa, pun, grn, claim HAVING
count(claimid) > 1;
and still had 26 rows returned. not sure how that can happen.
Anyway, then I tried
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmpidx ON claim (tpa,pun,grn,claim);
that of course failed, stating dups existed.
Any help would be appreciated.