Frontend/backend protocol authentication - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Peter Schuller
Subject Frontend/backend protocol authentication
Msg-id 1026144694.1478.14.camel@prometheus
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Frontend/backend protocol authentication
List pgsql-general

I'm attempting to implement a PosrgreSQL client in Squeak. I'm sending
what I believe to be a correct StartupPacket, but PostgreSQL
responds with an ErrorResponse: "FATAL 1: Password auth. failed...".

But I never asked for password authentication! According to the protocol
docs on the site, I should first be getting an Authentication* packet (I
think, an AuthenticationUnencrpytedPassword - but that one is not
documented), to which I should send a PasswordPacket. But now it returns
error before I get a chance.

What might I be doing wrong?

And am I correct in expecting an AuthenticationUnencryptedPassword
packet? Postgresql is set to use the "password" authentication method,
and another exising PostgreSQL protocol implementation failed because it
receivd such a packet (instead of some other one it expected).


/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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