Try the development driver, this has been fixed in the latest sources
On Tue, 2002-06-25 at 12:15, David A. Bartmess wrote:
> The following code SHOULD (according to the JDK1.4 docs) get all the
> primary keys related to a table's foreign keys, if I read the docs
> right. But I get back a ResultSet only containing one (1) key, not two,
> as in my table.
> Can someone explain this to me? Why won't it return all the keys in the
> ResultSet?
> Thanks!
> ResultSet fkpk = dmd.getImportedKeys("", "", "login");
> while (fkpk.next())
> {
> System.out.println("PK: " + fkpk.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"));
> System.out.println("\t" + fkpk.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"));
> System.out.println("FK: " + fkpk.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"));
> System.out.println("\t" + fkpk.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"));
> }
> System.out.println(" ");
> **********************************
> Table creation script:
> drop table login;
> drop sequence login_id_seq;
> create table login(
> id serial primary key,
> memberid int references members(id),
> userid varchar(15) not null,
> password varchar(15) not null,
> verification char(20),
> verifydatesent date,
> verifydaterecd date,
> accesslevel int references accesslevels(id),
> remoteip varchar(16),
> reminderquestion varchar(80),
> reminderanswer varchar(25)
> );
> create index idxloginid on login(id);
> create index idxlogin_memberid on members(id);
> **********************************
> Test results:
> PK: accesslevels
> id
> FK: login
> accesslevel
> --
> David A. Bartmess
> Software Configuration Manager / Sr. Software Developer
> eDingo Enterprises
> http://edingo.net
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster