Hi Folks,
First of all I'd like to say that I am pleasantly surprised by the
number of people who have responded positively.
Second I have created the project jpgadmin on sourceforge
I have also created a mailing list there which should be active shortly.
The list is jpgadmin-development@lists.sourceforge.net
If you want to be a developer, then send me your username's on sf.net
FWIW I did try to create the project on gborg.postgresql.org, but for
some reason I couldn't edit some of the fields on the project sign up
I think at this point we need a set of requirements, mine are
replicate the functionality of pgadmin II, and or psql in a gui.
ie be able to manipulate view/modify any table in the database.
Future enhancements would include er diagrams, code generation using
templates to name a few.
I encourage everyone to think of what you want the tool to do.