The jdbc driver has a method to return the exported keys from a table,
we require essentially what the following select returns, but it is
slow, can anyone suggest ways to optimize it?
SELECT c.relname as primary, c2.relname as foreign, t.tgconstrname, ic.relname as fkeyname,
af.attnum as fkeyseq, ipc.relname as pkeyname, ap.attnum as pkeyseq, t.tgdeferrable,
t.tginitdeferred, t.tgnargs,t.tgargs, p1.proname as updaterule, p2.proname as deleterule
FROM pg_trigger t, pg_trigger t1, pg_class c, pg_class c2, pg_class ic, pg_class
ipc, pg_proc p1, pg_proc p2, pg_index if, pg_index ip, pg_attribute af, pg_attribute
WHERE (t.tgrelid=c.oid AND t.tgisconstraint AND t.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid AND t.tgfoid=p1.oid
and p1.proname like '%%upd')
and (t1.tgrelid=c.oid and t1.tgisconstraint and t1.tgconstrrelid=c2.oid AND
t1.tgfoid=p2.oid and p2.proname like '%%del')
AND c2.relname='users'
AND (if.indrelid=c.oid AND if.indexrelid=ic.oid and ic.oid=af.attrelid AND
and (ip.indrelid=c2.oid and ip.indexrelid=ipc.oid and ipc.oid=ap.attrelid and