I see,
The shmem.c implementation I am using returns the OS/2 memory ID which
also happens to be the base address of the allocated memory.
Bug in shmem.c code then
In <12098.1104526404@sss.pgh.pa.us>, on 12/31/04 at 03:53 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> said:
>lsunley@mb.sympatico.ca writes:
>> I am using the sysv_shmem.c shared memory allocation api for os/2 and I
>> ran into a problem when OS/2 allocates shared memory over the 2 gigabyte
>> address boundary.
>> The existing sysv_shmem.c tests for the return address of the segment as
>> less than 0 and determines that a negative indicates an error.
>shmget returns an ID, not an address. I quote from the Single Unix Spec:
> Upon successful completion, shmget() returns a non-negative integer,
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> namely a shared memory identifier; otherwise, it returns -1 and errno
> will be set to indicate the error.
>While your change might be harmless, it should not be necessary, and it
>certainly shouldn't have anything to do with 2gig address boundaries.
> regards, tom lane